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Find Your Dream Designer Accessory
Looking for a specific preloved designer accessory that you can’t find on our store yet? With over 20,000 items still to be imported, we might have exactly what you’re searching for. By completing the form, you can tell us what you’re looking for, and we’ll do our best to locate it for you. In many cases, we can even prioritise sourcing that item and notify you as soon as it becomes available.
How It Works
Tell us what you want:
Fill out the form with details about the designer accessory you’re seeking—brand, style, colour, size, and any other specifics.
We’ll search for you:
Our team will search through our inventory and beyond to find your requested item.
Be the first to know:
Once we find your item, you’ll receive an exclusive notification so you can purchase it before it goes live on our store.
Why Use Our Item Request Service?
Exclusive Access:
Get early access to high-demand items before they hit the store.
Personalised Service:
Our dedicated team is committed to finding exactly what you want.
Hassle-Free Shopping:
Save time and let us do the searching for you.
Need Assistance?
If you have any questions or need help with the form, feel free to contact our customer service team at – Thank you for choosing Liucija. We look forward to helping you find your next beloved designer accessory!